Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2023)                   Imqv 2023, 2(4): 40-51 | Back to browse issues page

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Izadi A. A Mystical Analysis of Surah Al-Mulk and Its Impact on the Psychology of Spirituality with an Analysis of Frankl's Theory. Imqv 2023; 2 (4) :40-51
URL: http://imqv-journal.com/article-1-104-en.html
Department of Arabic Literature, Zabul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zabul, Iran
Abstract:   (248 Views)
Surah Al-Mulk, a Makki surah, consists of 30 verses and underscores profound spiritual themes such as the absolute sovereignty of God, life and death as divine tests, and the contemplation of creation's signs. These elements resonate deeply with Frankl's logotherapy, which centers on the human quest for meaning. By examining these connections, the study aims to highlight how the teachings of Surah Al-Mulk can enhance mental health, reduce stress and anxiety, and foster both individual and collective spirituality.

Surah Al-Mulk begins by praising God and emphasizing His omnipotence and wisdom in creation. The surah invites believers to reflect on the perfection of creation as a testament to God's power (1). This reflection can lead to a greater sense of purpose and understanding of one's place in the universe. Frankl's logotherapy posits that the primary drive in human life is the pursuit of meaning, which aligns with the Quranic invitation to contemplate and derive lessons from the natural world (2). The surah's focus on the signs of God in creation encourages believers to find meaning in their existence, thereby addressing a fundamental psychological need identified by Frankl.

The concept of life and death as tests from God, as highlighted in Surah Al-Mulk, provides a framework for understanding human experiences and challenges. Verse 2 of the surah states: "He who created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deed" (Quran 67:2). This perspective can help individuals reframe their struggles and adversities as opportunities for spiritual growth and development. Frankl's experiences in concentration camps during World War II led him to conclude that even in the most harrowing conditions, humans can find meaning and purpose (2). This alignment suggests that Surah Al-Mulk's teachings can offer a profound psychological resilience by encouraging believers to view their trials through a spiritual lens.

Reflecting on the signs of creation, as advocated by Surah Al-Mulk, can lead to a deepened sense of spiritual awareness and connection to God. The verses encourage a continuous state of contemplation and mindfulness, which can significantly impact one's mental and emotional well-being. Studies have shown that practices such as mindfulness and meditation, which involve focused contemplation and awareness, can reduce stress and improve psychological health (3). By engaging in the reflective practices encouraged by Surah Al-Mulk, believers can achieve similar benefits, thereby enhancing their overall mental health.

The communal and social implications of Surah Al-Mulk are also significant. The surah's teachings can foster a sense of unity and collective purpose among believers. When individuals come together to study and reflect on the Quranic verses, it strengthens community bonds and promotes a shared spiritual identity (4). This collective spirituality can lead to greater social cohesion and mutual support, which are essential components of a healthy and functioning society. Frankl's emphasis on the importance of communal support in finding meaning and purpose underscores the value of these communal practices (2).

While the study underscores the profound psychological and spiritual benefits of engaging with Surah Al-Mulk, it also acknowledges certain limitations. The research primarily draws on Islamic texts and contexts, which may not be directly applicable to individuals from other religious or cultural backgrounds.
Additionally, the study relies on qualitative interpretations of religious texts, which can be subjective and vary widely among different scholars and practitioners (5). Future research could benefit from incorporating quantitative methods to empirically measure the psychological impacts of engaging with Surah Al-Mulk and comparing these effects across diverse cultural and religious contexts.

In conclusion, this study illustrates the deep interconnections between the mystical teachings of Surah Al-Mulk and Viktor Frankl's logotherapy theory. By emphasizing the importance of finding meaning in life, viewing challenges as opportunities for spiritual growth, and engaging in reflective practices, both frameworks offer valuable insights into enhancing psychological well-being and fostering a deeper sense of spirituality. The communal aspects of these teachings further highlight the potential for building stronger, more cohesive societies. Future research should continue to explore these connections, utilizing diverse methodologies and cross-cultural perspectives to broaden the understanding of the psychological benefits of spirituality.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/08/5 | Accepted: 2022/12/31 | Published: 2022/12/31

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